Sunday, February 1, 2015

Day 1 - FHWC - Decisions - Genealogy Do-Over versus the Family History Writing Challenge

It's day one of the Family History Writing Challenge and week five of the Genealogy Do-Over.

The Genealogy Do-Over headed by Thomas MacEntee had us setting all our previous research aside and starting over. Apparently I am not the only one who felt that my tree was out of control and not properly sourced because the group is currently 3700 strong and still growing. Each day the Facebook gets bigger and bigger and I can honestly say I am happier with the current 11 people in my tree than I was with the one that went back generations.

The Family History Writing Challenge, led by Lynn Palermo is an opportunity to share the history of the people who made us who we are. That may be a little hard to do since I not longer have the information available to write about my family.

Ergo, on day one of the Family History Writing Challenge I am not sure what to write. In my last post for the Do-Over, I shared that my father and my grandfather had different birth years depending on the records. I knew in the back of my mind I would be dealing with that issue eventually but with the Do-Over, it was something I could no longer ignore.

(Aside here, isn't "Ergo" a great word!)

I have made a decision. I will attempt to do both the Challenge and the Do-Over. The two are not mutually exclusive. Like the differences in my dad's and grandfather's birth years, having to create and track source citation on my newly minted research log has provided me with little bits of information that previously eluded me. The discovery of these little pieces will provide bite-sized chunks I can use for the Family History Writing Challenge.

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